Project Transparent and opaque

This exercise exploits the possibilities of overlaying tonally graded washes to create different effects.

I chose a cadmium red, Ultramarine blue and Viridian green as the first point of call for my original washes. It seems that fast drying acrylics are like animals and small children – they know when you are afraid of them  – so a fast hand and some degree of confidence with the paint is necessary when applying.
For the wet on wet, and dry on wet mixing I chose Ultramarine and Viridian , mainly as the effects of colour would be more apparent than with red and orange.
Certainly, the washes using the wet on dry technique created a much stronger colour mix, but overall I preferred the luminosity of the wet on wet approach, certainly when using acrylics for this technique.
The opposite approach tend to be more successful in oils –  needing to be applied dry on wet, again, this lending both colours a more luminous overall.
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