Project Perspective: Exercise Linear perspective

Linear Perspective

For this exercise I wanted to take advantage of the winter sun, and the way the light plays on the brick wall.

I have lived on the same street for 16 years, but frustratingly can see neither the sun rise or set from my house, but if I venture along the road can see spectacular sunsets.

I particularly liked the light bouncing off the railway bridge – a price of brickwork that is fairly grubby and forgotten for most of the day, until for a few minuets during the winter sunset it shimmers a beautiful golden colour. This light made me stop my journey and take a photograph on my phone to act as a reference.I hoped to capture the fleetingness of this moment – the knowing that a short walk will bring the viewer from a cold winters night into a warm house.

Because the painting would be predominately in warm colour I prepared a blue ground and sketched the outlines on to the board


After blocking in the initial colours of ultramarine blue, I blocked in the initial colours in acrylics and painted in a relatively new palette ( for me)  of  lemon yellow, windsor yellow, cadmium red, burnt umber, sap green and payne’s grey. I let the under-painting of the blue show though the canvas to show interest.

Highbridge Winter oil on board A4



reference photograph

IMG_0729 (2)

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