Exercise Creating Mood and Atmosphere

I had been out of the country for a funeral and unable to bring my oil paints with me, but did pack some chalk pastels and loose pastel paper. I think the medium suited the mood, and even though the weather was beautiful, as seen by a reference photograph, I don’t think I could have painted a happy image if I tried.

I used a very dark almost chocolate brown Conte pastel paper for the ground and a really very limited colour palette – I created several pictures of the local coastline, all with the same palette, letting the brow of the paper show through and give the scenes more depth.



pastel on chocolate pastel paper 65×50 cm



I took a reference photographs to remember the form of the rocks, but deliberatly kept the palette different from reality to convey mood.




pastel on chocolate pastel paper 65×50 cm



pastel on chocolate pastel paper 65×50 cm









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